Archive for Anwar Ibrahim

International support for Anwar Ibrahim

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, Barisan Nasional, International, Judiciary, Legislative - Parliament, Malaysian Bar, MCA-MIC Component Parties, UMNO, Uncategorized with tags on July 19, 2008 by suaramalaysia

The attempt to smear and defame Anwar Ibrahim has been thoroughly rejected by the international community. Statements condemning the arrest of Anwar Ibrahim and stating concerns over the credible dispensation of justice have been made by groups which view they entire conduct of this case as suspiciously, similar to the fraudulent allegations made in 1998.

Open letter by prominent Muslim leaders in support of Anwar Ibrahim

We, the undersigned, believe the honorable brother Datuk Seri Dr. Anwar Ibrahim to be of the highest ethical and moral integrity, a devout Muslim and a devoted father and husband. He is universally recognized as an advocate for justice and fairness, and he has a long history of promoting Islam and championing Islamic ethical and charitable causes.

Signatories include: Prof. Dr. Akbar Ahmed, Amina Rasul, H.E. Shaykh Prof. Dr. Mustafa Cerić, Prof. Dr. H.R.H. Prince Ghazi bin Muhammad bin Talal, Prof. Dr. Ingrid Mattson, Yusuf Islam

[read entire letter]

Anwar in Cheng, Melaka – Part 1

Anwar’s first ceramah after being released from police custody following investigations into alleged sodomy charge was in Cheng, Melaka on July 18, 2008.