Good governance and accountability in the rapidly emerging world of Knowledge Economies

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, Governance, International, Leadership on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia

Good governance and accountability in the rapidly emerging world of Knowledge Economies
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By Anwar Ibrahim

Remarks by Anwar Ibrahim at the SAGIA Noor 2008 Forum, Madinah, 23rd June, 2008

Ladies and Gentleman.

While it would be superfluous to harp on the importance of research and development in knowledge based industries (KBIs), the issues of focus cannot be overstated. We know that the market is indeed hungry for the entire spectrum of knowledge based products ranging from aerospace and ICT products to precision and scientific tools. The more intensive the use of high technology, the greater reliance will be placed on R&D advances. We would imagine that from the vantage point of strategic policy the state’s focus will be on sustainable development.

As they say, in a knowledge economy, the trajectory of R&D cuts across every spectrum and becomes not only a key driver but the main fulcrum for economic advancement. We know that the development of KBIs is now springing up as a catch all phrase sometimes employed without serious consideration of its implications. From another vantage point we are really referring to enhancing market competition, which is not just a question of breaking down protective barriers and opening tenders for contracts to the best bidders. That is of course absolutely necessary for transparency and accountability. But the principle also entails the fostering of entrepreneurship and creativity so as to remove crutches and enable indigenous enterprises to grow into significant entities able to hold their own.

This is all subsumed under the rubric of a humane economy where corporate governance, transparency and accountability are active indices of responsible government. And these will remain elusive sound bites without an advanced information infrastructure. From the material standpoint, we need this infrastructure to keep abreast with the speed of industrial and economic development on a global scale. But perhaps even of more profound significance, open and responsible governments cannot actualize their ideals without this fundamental platform. That is why we see a correlation between the levels of knowledge, information infrastructure and the state of the economy. Intra economy correlations can also be noted where the disparities are reflective in the GINI coefficient. Where these disparities are not checked, the risk of a digital divide increases manifold, quite apart from the obvious growing chasm between the rich and the poor.

The competitive advantage of nations may be attributed to a host of R&D factors. For one, the need to attain critical mass and maintain a gene pool of expertise may be a prerequisite for staying ahead of the curve. Traditionally, the United States and Japan as pioneers and innovators in this regard, enjoyed first mover. This is where nations like Saudi Arabia and those in the region with substantive capital cushions can blaze the trail in carving a niche in strategic R&D investments. China and India for example have already embarked on this road trying to strike the right balance between the private and public sector driven initiatives.

It has been said that R&D will count for nothing if it does not enable the establishment of responsive knowledge-creating institutions so that firms may tap into and enhance their innovation capabilities. Cutting-edge IT universities for instance would indeed be one of the most salient indicators of R&D investment. This advanced infrastructure must be supported and nurtured by the strength of the human capital behind it. This is just to amplify what I said earlier about the need to shore up a critical mass of talent and this would include scientific, technological, entrepreneurial and managerial expertise.

A more comprehensive framework must be considered encompassing core economic policy imperatives. The key to advancing the economy will be the streamlining of the bureaucracy to make it more conducive to foreign entry and to strengthen investment protection laws. Building a symbiotic relationship between the respective stakeholders is crucial. Once we get past the gates of these imperatives, we need to consider the political, ethical and cultural factors that can enhance the Kingdom’s role as an innovator in the region.

We also need a holistic concept of development which aims at balanced growth and an improved quality of life. Economic objectives, environmental protection, gender equality and social goals must be welded into a seamless whole. We cannot overemphasize the primacy of growth which promotes distributive justice instead of wealth accumulation by the few.

There is no question that companies ought to be more accountable to their stakeholders but history tells us that gargantuan corporations are fundamentally averse to doing business in uncharted waters. The lure of maximizing profits remains ever so appealing. We are told that the classic Prisoner’s Dilemma phenomenon means that market forces tend to dissuade individuals from taking steps towards a greater good unless there is reassurance that the rest of the market will follow suit. Are we to fold our arms and luxuriate in the hope that the invisible hand will always appear at the right time to correct all these externalities?

In the wake of the IT explosion in the late 90s, an intense search for the answer that would benefit society as a whole was answered by a system of “e-governance” which streamlines and reduces costs in the delivery of public services and, more significantly, provides the maximum level of transparency and disclosure. This is quite apart from what I have alluded earlier, that a sound IT infrastructure is essential for global corporations to conduct their business operations seamlessly.

Again, we cannot overstress the importance of the issues of corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and ethical business practices. Similarly, a culture of transparency in the KBIs is an imperative but this transparency cannot be expected without transparency in political governance. There is also the overriding issue of accountability and corruption. But if we agree that corruption is the greatest impediment to development in the Muslim world, then key areas such as judicial reform, the media and civil liberties must also be addressed.

Thank you.


The Principle-Centered Paradigm

Posted in Governance, Leadership on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia

The Principle-Centered Paradigm


The character ethic is based on the fundamental idea that there are principles that govern human effectiveness — natural laws in the human dimension that are just as real, just as unchanging and unarguably “there” as laws such as gravity are in the physical dimension.

An idea of the reality — and the impact — of these principles can be captured in another paradigm-shifting experience as told by Frank Kock in Proceedings, the magazine of the Naval Institute.

Two battleships assigned to the training squadron had been at sea on maneuvers in heavy weather for several days. I was serving on the lead battleship and was on watch on the bridge as night fell. The visibility was poor with patchy fog, so the captain remained on the bridge keeping an eye on all

Shortly after dark, the lookout on the wing of the bridge reported, “Light, bearing on the starboard bow.”

“Is it steady or moving astern?” the captain called out.

Lookout replied, “Steady, captain,” which meant we were on a dangerous collision course with that ship.

The captain then called to the signal man, “Signal that ship: We are on a collision course, advise you change course 20 degrees.”

Back came a signal, “Advisable for you to change course 20 degrees.”

The captain said, “Send, I’m a captain, change course 20 degrees.”

“I’m a seaman second class,” came the reply. “You had better change course 20 degrees.”

By that time, the captain was furious. He spat out, “Send, I’m a battleship. Change course 20 degrees.”

Back came the flashing light, “I’m a lighthouse.”

We changed course

The A Paradigm Shift is the “a-ha” experience associated with finally perceiving or understanding some aspect of the world (or a circumstance) in a different way. Paradigm Shift experienced by the captain — and by us as we read this account — puts the situation in a totally different light. We can see a reality that is superseded by his limited perceptions — a reality that is as critical for us to understand in our daily lives as it was for the captain in the fog.

Principles are like lighthouses. They are natural laws that cannot be broken. As Cecil B. deMille observed of the principles contained in his monumental movie, The Ten Commandments, “It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.”

While individuals may look at their own lives and interactions in terms of paradigms or maps emerging out of their experience and conditioning, these maps are not the territory. They are a “subjective reality,” only an attempt to describe the territory.

The “objective reality,” or the territory itself, is composed of “lighthouse” principles that govern human growth and happiness — natural laws that are woven into the fabric of every civilized society throughout history and comprise the roots of every family and institution that has endured and prospered. The degree to which our mental maps accurately describe the territory does not alter its existence.

The reality of such principles or natural laws becomes obvious to anyone who thinks deeply and examines the cycles of social history. These principles surface time and time again, and the degree to which people in society recognize and live in harmony with them moves them toward either survival
and stability or disintegration and destruction.

The principles I am referring to are not esoteric, mysterious, or “religious” ideas. There is not one principle taught in this book that is unique to any specific faith or religion, including my own. These principles are a part of every major enduring religion, as well as enduring social philosophies and
ethical systems. They are self-evident and can easily be validated by any individual. It’s almost as if these principles or natural laws are part of the human condition, part of the human consciousness, part of the human conscience. They seem to exist in all human beings, regardless of social conditioning and
loyalty to them, even though they might be submerged or numbed by conditions or disloyalty.

I am referring, for example, to the principle of fairness, out of which our whole concept of equity and justice is developed. Little children seem to have an innate sense of the idea of fairness even apart from opposite conditioning experiences. There are vast differences in how fairness is defined and achieved, but there is almost universal awareness of the idea.

Other examples would include integrity and honesty. They create the foundation of trust which is essential to cooperation and long-term personal and interpersonal growth.

Another principle is human dignity. The basic concept in the United States Declaration of Independence bespeaks this value or principle. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life,
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

Another principle is service, or the idea of making a contribution. Another is quality or excellence. There is the principle of potential, the idea that we are embryonic and can grow and develop and release more and more potential, develop more and more talents. Highly related to potential is the principle of growth — the process of releasing potential and developing talents, with the accompanying need for principles such as patience, nurturance, and encouragement.

Principles are not practices. A practice is a specific activity or action. A practice that works in one circumstance will not necessarily work in another, as parents who have tried to raise a second child exactly like they did the first one can readily attest.

While practices are situationally specific, principles are deep, fundamental truths that have universal application. They apply to individuals, to marriages, to families, to private and public organizations of every kind. When these truths are internalized into habits, they empower people to create a wide
variety of practices to deal with different situations.

While practices are situationally specific, principles are deep, fundamental truths that have universal application. They apply to individuals, to marriages, to families, to private and public organizations of every kind. When these truths are internalized into habits, they empower people to create a wide
variety of practices to deal with different situations.

Principles are not values. A gang of thieves can share values, but they are in violation of the fundamental principles we’re talking about. Principles are the territory. Values are maps. When we value correct principles, we have truth — a knowledge of things as they are.

Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value.

They’re fundamental.

They’re essentially unarguable because they are self-evident. One way to quickly grasp the self-evident nature of principles is to simply consider the absurdity of attempting to live an effective life based on their opposites. I doubt that anyone would seriously consider unfairness,
deceit, baseness, uselessness, mediocrity, or degeneration to be a solid foundation for lasting happiness and success. Although people may argue about how these principles are defined or manifested or achieved, there seems to be an innate consciousness and awareness that they exist.

The more closely our maps or paradigms are aligned with these principles or natural laws, the more accurate and functional they will be. Correct maps will infinitely impact our personal and interpersonal effectiveness far more than any amount of effort expended on changing our attitudes and

A nation going everywhere but nowhere

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, Barisan Nasional, Judiciary, Legislative - Parliament, Malaysiakini, Malaysian Bar, MCA-MIC Component Parties, UMNO on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia

A nation going everywhere but nowhere
Edmond R | Jul 18, 08 5:17pm

The country lost its direction and went nuts a long time ago. Judging from cyber-news reports concerning the arrest of both Anwar Ibrahim and Raja Petra, I am now totally confused as to what the government’s priorities are.

Is alleged sodomy (which if it is true, is most likely to be consensual) a greater crime than abusing captives in police custody and then denying it? Is alleged defamation a more lethal crime than alleged involvement in the murder of a foreign national, that the former has to be arrested and brought to court, while the latter is still scot-free?

We are a nation without a common philosophy. That’s what we are. And that is why for the last 50 years, Malaysia’s progress lacks direction due to the absence of a single common set of philosophical belief and guidance. We are a nation heading everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

In other words, we are lost.

The government insists that we should follow the principles of the Rukunegara. But the Rukunegara is merely a set of national ideologies and not philosophy. We must understand that there is a big difference between philosophy and ideology, as clearly illustrated in this well written article entitled Philosophy and Ideology.

According to the writer, philosophy is a guide and a general construct meant to help us think whereas an ideology is rigid, dogmatic and doesn’t respond to facts or circumstance. In fact ideology ‘brooks no dissent’ as proven by our prime minister’s recent accusation that bloggers are treacherous because they have blemished the Rukunegara.

Even the various government policies and countless battle cries of racially biased politicians are actually divisive ideologies which further widen the cracks in our multi-cultural society. The New Economic Policy which was supposed to address the gap between the rich and poor has been manipulated throughout the years by the ruling party to enrich and empower itself.

There is no single national philosophy that binds us all together as a nation. Each level of society seems to have its own ideas about the purpose of their existence in this country.

The Barisan Nasional government behaves like a huge corporation that treats our natural resources and wealth as their very own. Civil servants who are supposed to serve the rakyat become servants to the ruling party instead. The rich are busy accumulating their wealth through any means possible. And the poor rakyat continues to be exploited by all of the above.

Yes. Without a common philosophy to guide the nation, it is the poor rakyat who are at the losing end.

The grassroots which many politicians are suddenly talking about nowadays need to be nurtured properly for the country to grow. Otherwise the roots will just rot away into oblivion and the whole country will eventually fall. Unfortunately, even after their major losses in the recent elections, Barisan Nasional leaders fail to understand the real needs of the rakyat.

After 50 years of lack luster performance, our country seriously needs a collective philosophy to propel the nation through these uncertain times of global economic and political upheaval. For that we need leaders who are able to inspire the nation, mobilise them towards achieving their goals and at the same time, always be in control of situations.

Sadly, these three qualities are absent from the present leadership. Our present batch of leaders is devoid of any philosophical stance except of filling their own pockets with the toils of the rakyat.

So what is this great Malaysian philosophy that we should yearn and strive for?

First of all, we need to identify the main causes of segregation in this country. If you are a government supporter, you will say that the reasons for our disunity are religion, race and riches. If you are in the opposition, then you will most likely say that it is the politicians themselves who are the main cause of religious discrimination, racial intolerance and widening wealth disparity in our country.

In any case, both sides are correct. That is why the first thing we should do is remove bigoted politicians from power and replace them with capable leaders who have the whole nation at heart. Only then can we start to address the three segregating factors of religion, race and riches.

Religion: Although the first principle of the Rukunegara is ‘Belief in God’, it is obvious that almost everyone does not want to believe in the same God! Islam and Christianity originated from the same God and yet their followers try their best to highlight the differences rather than rejoice in their similarities.

Then you have the Hindus who believe in the many manifestations of God and the Buddhists who uphold the idea that they only way to salvation (Nirvana) is through our own efforts.

And then there are the atheists who do not believe in the existence of a supreme being at all.

We can all argue and defend our religion till kingdom comes but the universal truth is, we will never get any closer to the ultimate answer at the end of the day.

That is the reason why, in order to safeguard harmony, religion should never be included in any national ideology or philosophy. Religion is a private matter and should only be confined to the hearts of its followers.

Malaysians should instead take advantage of the multi-religious nature of our country to celebrate spirituality. Judging from the thousands of mosques and temples all over the country, it is obvious that Malaysians are truly spiritual people. So why don’t we celebrate this abundance of spirituality by absorbing the good values from each religion?

After all, it is safe, acceptable to everyone and contributes to the strengthening of our moral values.

Race: Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan and others. The only way you can change your race is to change your parents. If you can’t do that, then I am afraid you will have to stick to being who you are.

It sounds profound, doesn’t it? Yes, but not as profound as creating a Malaysian race or Bangsa Malaysia, which is much touted by both the opposition and the government. I for one, used to believe that we should all strive to become one single Malaysian race.

That is until someone pointed out to me that it is impossible to change the genetic structure of a person and that our real goal should actually be to strive for a single Malaysian identity which is inclusive of all races in the country.

However, we Malaysians are typical hard core ‘racists’. We seem to adore the word ‘race’ so much that it features in almost everything we say and do. The word is found everywhere – in our identification cards, passports, official forms and documents.

But we have totally forgotten that the one race which we all belong to is the human race. Perhaps this is what we Malaysians should be aiming for – a human race with Malaysian identity.

Riches: Everywhere in the world there are rich people and poor people. Even in communist and socialist countries, the distribution of wealth is not as balanced as they would like it to be and we can still see a disparity between the rich and poor. Malaysia, being a capitalistic democratic country, is not exceptional in this case.

We will never be able to eradicate poverty and inequality in Malaysia totally but we can eradicate government policies that contributed to this problem. Firstly, the much manipulated New Economic Policy has to go. It should then be replaced by a new policy which encourages meritocracy and distribution of wealth based solely on needs.

The philosophy behind this is that people should work as hard as they are able to, and they should be remunerated according to their achievements. Those who have tried their best but are still unable to make it, should be helped through other constructive methods.

As opposed to the previous policy in which the differentiation is between the rich and the poor, our new philosophy should be aimed at sieving out the lazy section of society from the hard working group. In that way, funds are not wasted and the disparity of wealth will commensurate with the amount of hard work a citizen contributes to nation building.

We are now at the crossroads of our destiny. If we choose to be led by a rigid, dogmatic and unresponsive government, Malaysia will end up in the backwaters of the world. If choose to change our old ways, and get ready to embrace a new philosophy of nation building, then we will be on the right track that will take us greater heights.

I hope we choose the latter. Fifty years of stagnation is more than enough to make anyone puke.

We may yet see Anwar as PM one day

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysiakini on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia

We may yet see Anwar as PM one day
H Lee | Jul 18, 08 6:00pm

I refer to the recent political incidents which have made headlines and would like to express my concern, too, as an everyday citizen.

No doubt it is all politics and Umno can play it as well as PKR. However, using the apparatus of the state to play such power politics is a bit beyond the accepted norm of reasonableness. In fact, it is tantamount to abuse of office.

Citizens of this fair country should not be regarded as enemies of the state. Whether members of the ruling party or the opposition, all are loyal Malaysians foremost with the interest of the ‘entity’ called Malaysia and her people at heart.

Rest assured that when or should an external threat or tragedy is faced by the country and her people, Malaysian citizens will coalesce and rise to meet the challenge.

There will be no such division as members of the governing party or opposition or just citizens of whatever race. Most will be prepared to die in defending the country.

To fight for the country is to fight for Malaysian interests – not for the interests of some power-addicted politicians who fear to face the future without the chair of power.

Our sympathy and support, as natural in such circumstances, is with Anwar Ibrahim. He currently represents the voice of a large majority of the people who would like to see the country governed well.

As Malaysians, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and his team probably respect that. I am sure they probably respect fair play and the rules of democracy which enable power transition to be achieved – whenever the people wish it – without violence.

I have no doubt Abdullah and his team have the interest of Malaysia at heart. Perhaps it is the learning curve, this being our first experience on the road to a, naturally, two-party democracy.

Perhaps Anwar should tone down his confrontational approach (after all, we are no longer in the Mahathir era).

Perhaps the people of this country, especially those who write letters to the editors and run blogs, should be a little more thoughtful and considerate in their language as befitting honourable gentlemen in a First World country.

I am sure,we have it in us to be that. We are all good people. We want to be good people.

Remember, especially Abdullah and his good men currently in the chairs of power, you lose the greatness when you lose that goodness. Never lose sight of that.

Anwar too. Rest assured that if it is God’s destiny for you to become prime minister, nothing will prevent that. Not even a nuclear war.

But if it is not your destiny, we may just have to reconcile to it. Nevertheless, I am sure many of the people of Malaysia wish you well.

I believe many people do indeed want change. You represent that. And our hopes. The journey may not have been easy but do not give up.

We may yet see you as a PM of Malaysia one day.

Why I believe Anwar is not guilty

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysiakini on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia

Why I believe Anwar is not guilty
K Bing | Jul 18, 08 6:00pm

First of all, I must say that I do not possess any information which is not already public knowledge. However, I have been following news of the new sodomy allegation against Anwar closely and I’m analysing this from the perspective of ‘reasonable behaviour’ and ‘balance of probability.’ Here are the reasons why I think Anwar is not guilty.

1. Is Anwar gay? A person who has fathered six children has established his sexual orientation firmly. Bisexuality is very rare and in any case he does not fit the mould. He has a loving family and his wife is standing steadfastly by him which says a lot.

2. The highly controversial sodomy conviction of 1998 failed to convince most people. A person in a position of power who allegedly cannot control himself to even keep away from his wife’s driver, must have a string of partners. One must ask, why has nobody else come out of the woodwork? Why was it necessary to coerce false confessions from two of his associates?

3. A person on the cusp of attaining political power would not be so stupid as to risk everything. If indeed one assumes that he cannot control his urge, where are the others that he may have violated or other consensual partners? With multiple partners, it’s a secret which is almost impossible to keep for a public figure.

4. Anwar’s anger and outrage at the new allegation is exactly how a wronged person will react. His body language when he speaks of the issue is consistent with his words.

5. When news broke of the police report against him, Anwar took refuge at the Turkish embassy. I believe he did so as he feared immediate arrest and not so much a threat on his life. This shows that Anwar believes there is a conspiracy against him rather than a private complaint which would not warrant immediate arrest. A guilty person would immediately assume it’s a private complaint.

6. Saiful’s resignation e-mail to Anwar did not suggest he had been sodomised and traumatised by his boss. This e-mail has not been denied by him.

7. The notion that a 61-year-old man can force himself on a 23-year-old youth is unthinkable. If threats were used, what can Anwar possibly threaten him with as he is not in a position of power?

Is there a conspiracy against Anwar? I believe there is for the following reasons.

1. The accuser, Saiful was obviously closely connected with Umno and has been photographed with a few Umno leaders including an aide to the deputy prime minister.

2. Saiful is obviously pro-Umno as had been revealed by his online postings. Why then did he induct himself into PKR as a volunteer if not for some ulterior motive?

3. His visit to the DPM’s office a few months before the incident was explained as him having gone there to apply for a scholarship. This is a very awkward explanation. As a college dropout, Saiful was not in the market for a scholarship and in any case, the DPM’s office is the wrong department to go.

And why would a scholarship applicant have his photograph taken with a senior aide? One must ask, why is it necessary to obfuscate and conceal the real purpose of his visit?

4. Najib at first denied he had ever met Saiful and later admitted that he met Saiful at his residence when a traumatised and sodomised Saiful came to ask for his advice. Why did Najib first deny and then admit later when under pressure? Was he trying to conceal something?

5. Najib said he listened to Saiful’s story and told him it’s up to him whether he wants to lodge a police report or not. This is not credible. Wouldn’t Najib have jumped at the opportunity to discredit his political nemesis and insist that Saiful make a police report?

It is wrong for anybody – much less a minister – who has been told a crime not to bring it to the attention of the law enforcement agencies. Why is Najib giving unbelievable explanations? Is he trying to divert all thoughts away from a conspiracy and overdoing it?

6. Najib said that Saiful visited him a few days before he made his police report. The report was made on Saturday and the sodomy was alleged to have occurred on Thursday. This means Saiful could only have visited Najib on Friday, one day before he made his report.

This is stretching the definition of ‘a few days’ to breaking point. Establishing when the meeting actually took place will shed light on the veracity of the allegation.

7. How easy is it for an ordinary person to drop in and see the DPM at his residence or office on such short notice? If he has been sexually violated, there is no need to hawk his allegation to politicians first before going to the police.

8. Saiful’s smiling and confident demeanor when he emerged a few days after his police report certainly does not indicate a man who has been sodomised and traumatised.

9. Saiful’s public challenge to Anwar to swear his innocence on the Quran is unbecoming of a real victim who would be expected to feel depressed and keep a low profile rather than play politics.

To round it up, let me deal with some objections.

1. It is too outrageous to imagine that Umno would weave a sodomy conspiracy against Anwar again as nobody would believe it.

Do you think negative public opinion will stop them? Umno controls the AG’s chambers, the police, the judiciary all of which are sufficient to convict a man of trumped-up charges. For good measure, they also control the mainstream press.

2. The allegations will increase sympathy for Anwar so a conspiracy is unlikely.

On the contrary, it could well discredit Anwar. The tactic could backfire but it is not beyond politicians to miscalculate the effects of their action.

3. Anwar stands to gain the most from it so Anwar must have planned all this.

Isn’t this even more outrageous than the above? No need to waste words on this.

4. Why sodomy again? Isn’t the script 10 years old?

What else can they pin on Anwar? He is not outwardly corrupt. A legal conviction is the most efficient way to get Anwar out of the political scene for good. After serving the sentence, he will have to wait another five years before running for public office by which time he may be too old to have any political ambition.

5. It is too transparent as Saiful has been photographed with high-level Umno politicians.

The plot may have been hatched after all those photographs. We have to be realistic, there are not many candidates who would do this.

6. Why did PKR take in a person without background checks?

He volunteered at a time when PKR was desperately short of staff. Once in, a person is not easily dislodged even when his previous pro-Umno leaning is known. There’s always the notion of fair play and judging a person by his work rather than his past.

In conclusion, when events really happen, details automatically fall into place. When there’s nothing to hide, explanations do not create more questions. A person’s demeanour and facial expression is a reflection of his inner thoughts.

All the bits and pieces collected together can create a complete picture. The picture is not complete but it is complete enough for me to decide that on the balance of probabilities, the incident never happened and Anwar is again facing another political conspiracy.

Terengganu officials switch car brand

Posted in Barisan Nasional, Malaysia-Today.Net, UMNO on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia

Terengganu officials switch car brand
Written by Super Admin
Sunday, 20 July 2008

(The Star) – State exco members and senior officers started using their new Mercedes-Benz E200 Kompressor cars today.

The state bought 14 of the luxury cars for RM3.43mil to replace the Proton Perdana V6 Executive cars that had been purchased in 2004.

The new cars are for the exco members, the state assembly speaker, the state secretary, the state legal adviser and the state finance officer.

The new cars with tinted windows carry the state emblem with the wording “Exco Kerajaan Negeri” embossed on the number plate.

State Secretary Datuk Mokthar Nong said the decision to use Mercedes-Benz cars was made several months ago.

The state took delivery of the cars earlier this month.

He said the German cars were bought for the safety of the state officials who had to travel extensively and to reduce the cost of maintenance.

“After much evaluation, the state felt the Mercedes-Benz cars are more reliable for long term use. It was also time to replace the Proton Perdanas,” he added.

Home minister interfering in sodomy probe: Anwar Ibrahim

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysia-Today.Net on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia

Home minister interfering in sodomy probe: Anwar Ibrahim
Written by Super Admin
Sunday, 20 July 2008

(IANS) – Malaysia’s opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has charged Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar with interference in the probe into the sodomy charge against Ibrahim levelled by an aide. He alleged it was at the behest of Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Friday denied that anyone in his government was hatching any conspiracy against Ibrahim.

The probe would be allowed to be conducted unhindered, media reports Saturday quoted him as saying.

‘It is to smear the credibility and reputation of our client. Syed Hamid should know better than to attempt to exert his influence on this matter, especially as he is a senior minister,’ Ibrahim’s lawyer and political colleague R. Sivarasa said in a statement he issued at Ibrahim’s house Friday.

On the other hand, the prime minister Friday challenged Ibrahim to immediately disprove the sodomy allegation against him by submitting to DNA tests.

Badawi said if Anwar had not committed the alleged crime, he should be willing to provide the sample without delay.

‘If indeed he is not involved, give the sample now. He said he did not do anything. So he must give a fresh sample to prove that he did not do it. I want to see the results.’

Abdullah said the case could be concluded quickly. ‘We want this to be resolved fast but (until Saturday) it still cannot be done,’ the New Straits Times said.

It’s deja vu in Malaysia as L’affaire Anwar Ibrahim enters the second month with charges flying around just the way they did ten years ago.

Then deputy prime minister Ibrahim was slapped with a sodomy charge, combined with corruption. He was sacked by then prime minister Mahathir Mohamad.

He was prosecuted and suffered a long jail term. A court acquitted him in 2002.

The sodomy charge came back to haunt Ibrahim last month when Mohammed Saiful Bukhari Azlan, 23, a political aide he employed during the March elections, charged him with having sodomised him more than once in a posh Kuala Lumpur house.

Ibrahim has vehemently denied this, saying that all this was meant to prevent his return to parliament in a by-election.

He has emerged politically strong since the March election when an opposition alliance he leads won an unprecedented 62 seats in parliament and now controls five of the 13 states.

His wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail is now leader of the opposition in parliament.

A ban on contesting elections imposed by a court on Ibrahim ended in April. Armed with the renewed political support, he had planning to get one of his supporters to vacate a parliamentary seat and contest a by-election.

He says his entry into parliament was sought to be stopped by the sodomy charge.

Last month witnessed high drama with Ibrahim taking refuge in the Turkish embassy, saying he feared for his life.

The diplomatic spat between Malaysia and Turkey, ignited by Ibrahim’s refuge in Turkish embassy, was overtaken when the US state department cautioned Kuala Lumpur against a ‘politically motivated probe’ on Ibrahim.

The Badawi government took strong exception, calling it an ‘interference’. Besides the government and the ruling coalition lawmakers, the media went to town asking the US ‘not to throw stones from a glass house’.

The US’s own record in Guantanamo Bay against suspected Al Qaeda fighters and in Iraq was sordid, the New Straits Times said in an editorial.

The crisis was not abetting since Ibrahim was arrested, his statement recorded on the sodomy charge and released on bail earlier this week.

He says the same officials – Attorney General Gani Patail and police chief Musa Hasan – were the ones who fabricated charges against him ten years ago and are now holding key positions.

In order to placate public opinion at home and to ward off international criticism – the US had spoken up for Ibrahim ten years ago as well – the government ordered a probe against the two officials now holding top positions.

SPECIAL REPORT: Interview with Anwar

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, Malaysiakini on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia
Jul 4, 08 7:41pm

special report anwar ibrahim special interview 040708


Embattled opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim spoke to Malaysiakini in the wake of allegations that he had sodomised one of his aides.

The 30-minute interview came five days after 23-year-old Saiful Bukhari Azlan lodged a police report against his former boss.

Held at the PKR headquarters, Anwar talked about how he first heard about the police report, what led to his decision to seek refuge in the Turkish embassy, the likelihood of him being arrested again and the possible threats to his life.It’s ‘my mistake’ to hire Saiful

Malaysiakini team | Jul 3, 08 7:49pm

Anwar Ibrahim today conceded that he had made a mistake in hiring Saiful Bukhari Azlan who has accused him of sodomising him.


It is a mistake in hindsight,” he lamented.

According to him, Saiful was not employed as a full-time worker in his staff and as such there was no background checks done on him.

Anwar explained that Saiful was first taken in as a party volunteer and was asked to be a driver.

“After weeks, he came slowly into the establishment. Until the day he left, he was still not a permanent member of the staff … We just pay him a part-time allowance,” said Anwar in a 30-minute interview at the PKR headquarters this morning.

Conceding that it was a breach of security, he revealed that Saiful was privy to some of the sensitive communications involving defections from other parties.

“He was also receiving calls from Sabah and Sarawak. And they (BN) know how and why … in such a way to pre-empt my announcement on the four crossovers.”

He also said that the sodomy allegations have delayed his plans to contest a by-election which will see him making a comeback to Parliament after an absence of 10 years.

anwar ibrahim interview 030708 03Anwar has set his sights on the Kuala Kangsar parliament seat, which is currently being held by Umno Wanita chief Rafidah Aziz.

The Election Court will decided tomorrow on whether to call a fresh election after Rafidah’s victory was challenged by a disgruntled voter, who claimed that the former minister had failed to sign all her nominations forms.

Even if the court upheld Rafidah’s victory, Anwar said the party has shortlisted three other seats which he could be contesting in the coming weeks.

“The by-election is going to be deferred slightly because we don’t know (about what’s going happened to the sodomy allegations). You have this stalemate whereby I can announce it today and they will arrest me tomorrow.”

But he insisted that his plan for the opposition Pakatan Rakyat coalition to take power by Sept 16 is still very much “on track”. However, that could change if he was arrested.

“As it stands, it is very much on track but it is also subject to what happens in the next few days.”

Malaysiakini: Now that ACA is investigating (police chief) Musa (Hassan) and (attorney-general Abdul) Gani Patail, do you have confidence in its investigations?

Anwar: Well, they can start but we have great difficulty (with ACA) under the present arrangement and laws. ACA is answerable to the PM. The power of prosecution is still with the AG. The ACA has to consult the AG on many issues even at the investigation stage. So it is going to be very difficult.

ahmad said hamdan aca directorAlthough I know (ACA director-general) Ahmad Said (Hamdan) personally – he has worked under ACA while I was advising the government management group and that time (former ACA director-general) Shafee Yahya was the head.

Shafee has a lot of courage and I was quite happy with the team because they just went after – just name it, Rafidah (Aziz), Rahim (Tamby Chik), (Muhammad Muhd) Taib – they just went (after them).

But then after a stage – at the AG – it was blocked. That time, I was quite supportive (of ACA) – if people attacked the ACA, I would defend them. I saw their reports and they did their job. It was the AG or the PM (who stop the investigations), but I don’t know (whether that is still the case) now.

Given this, would you call for an independent commission?

It’s interesting to note the view of former US supreme court justice Sandra Day O’Connor when someone suggested to her to issue a statement supporting Anwar and recommend the setting-up of an international commission, she said, “Why give credence to such silly charges or allegations?”

She said that if you want a commission then have a commission on the judiciary or the entire police force. That’s why I find it difficult to comment because I don’t know what is the specific allegation – it’s dicey…

Do you think if the government was to level charges against you, public support will slowly abate or will it force a change (in government)?

It’s going to be a bit more difficult because you have this incessant and protracted attack so it allows to sink into the minds of people. It’s a classic (Nazi propaganda chief Dr Paul Joseph) Goebbels strategy – that is, to repeat all the time. I think this is why they chose this (sodomy allegations) instead of all other things … and evidence for this is very difficult so they plant somebody to concoct the story.

anwar ibrahim interview 030708 04But I have a lot of confidence in the Malaysian public. We went through hell, not just me personally. The advice is for us to go down now, explain and dismiss it outright. But don’t allow this to deflect from the issues of mismanagement of the economy, the turmoil in Umno.

What’s next in terms of the by-election plan and the defection?

The by-election is going to be deferred slightly because we don’t know (about what’s going to happen to the sodomy allegations), that’s the problem. You have this stalemate whereby I can announce it today and they will arrest me tomorrow.

So you think this has delay your by-election plans?

Yes, which I think is manageable.

Some people said you’re playing up the issue because you cannot deliver your September promise and all this is to get you out of that situation?

They must be kind to the BN to assume that … the person (Saiful) was planted in my office. He was also receiving calls from Sabah and Sarawak. And they (BN) know how and why … in such a way to pre-empt my announcement on the four crossovers. What information is with the Special Branch and the police? They know exactly what’s happening.

I know for a fact that the police was already on the alert every time Parliament sits, they are on full security alert because of the possibility of the government falling. So it is not something far-fetched, but of course how they say it in the public domain is something else.

If a minister appears in a hotel in Singapore to meet me, you mean to say they wouldn’t know?

Are you saying there are ministers seeing you overseas?


How many?

(Laughs) We leave the details to Dr Watson.

Are you interested in the Kuala Kangsar parliamentary seat?

Yes, I did mention that possibility to PAS although we did not conclusively decide who will contest in the PAS seat. But I work well with PAS leaders and they were quite amenable to it. I’ve not decided (yet).

But you are seriously contemplating contesting in that seat?

Yes, (one of) the very few.

How many have you identified?

Seriously, four. Kuala Kangsar is one of them.

Is your September deadline still on target?

anwar ibrahim interview 030708 02As it stands, it is very much on track but it is also subject to what happens in the next few days. Whether it’s going to be in place, or arrest and other repercussions.

Do you agree that the sodomy allegations has stymied your crossover plans?

No, it does not but it has impacted on our specific next move like the next date – we can’t plan the next date. But September is still very much on track.

Is there any truth that you took Saiful for trips overseas?

Yes, they take turns. (Personal aides) Ibrahim (Yaacob) went, Khalid Jaafar went, Saiful went, Rahimi (Osman) went. It depends, you know. I wouldn’t go into details.

So you totally deny the sodomy allegations?

It is as malicious and baseless like (the allegations) in 1998-1999 but in this case it is clearly planted, and it can be substantiated more easily on the involvement of the DPM’s outfit and the IGP as opposed to 1998.

Why do you think they keep attacking you on moral grounds by using this sodomy allegation, instead of say corruption?

Because they cannot adduce evidence for that (corruption) and I’ve challenged them on that ground to have a commission to check on the wealth, shares and contract of those in power but they couldn’t do that. The incessant (smear) campaign is very evasive, but what can they do?

Are you worried that the sodomy allegation will sow some seeds of doubt among the public who are supportive of you?

That is certainly their intention, there’s no question about that. You go on and you repeat. This is the standard propaganda from (Joseph) Stalin to (Adolf) Hitler – to give one message and nothing else even after a lapse of 10 years.

But if you create or fabricate, you also bear the consequence of being exposed. Under an authoritarian regime with all instruments of government at your disposal, that possibility is more easy. So you take one chapter from Hitler or Stalin and use it under the context of an authoritarian leadership, then okay.

But if you take that chapter and you have some semblance of democratic space here, then you are in a big mess. I can assure you that they are in a deep, deep mess.

Do you admit that it was a mistake in your office not to have scanned Saiful’s background first before taking him in?

Yes, but he was not taken in as a staff. He was taken in as a volunteer, who at that time was very critical (of BN). He said he is a supporter and he would “die for Anwar”. So they took him. After weeks, then he came slowly into the establishment. Until the day he left, he was still not a permanent member of the staff. He was not. We just pay him a part-time allowance.

But you shot down criticisms from people who questioned his background.

saiful bukhari azlan brickfields police station 030708Yeah, you know it is my character. When you say that he was terrible when he was in Uniten (Universiti Tenaga Nasional), he was in the BTN (Biro Tatanegara or civic consciousness bureau), an ardent racist, pro-Najib, I said, “Okay, that was two years ago. He does not have access to other views. Is there any evidence if he’s doing anything (of this sort) now?” That’s me (laughs).

It is a mistake in hindsight. He was not taken in as a full-time member and so there is no vetting exercise. We don’t actually take some criticisms from his university mates or blogs seriously. It is inexcusable for my establishment, but overall we have thousands of volunteers but somehow he got into the establishment.

Now if you look back as to how it happened – a day before (he was accepted as a PKR volunteer) there was communication between him and an Anwar Ibrahim Club guy in London battling because he (Saiful) was defending Umno. The following day, he saw this staff of mine (Rahimi) and said he was a die-hard supporter of Anwar. So he started off as a driver. He was driving a car, so he came in for 10 days as a driver.

How do you feel? Are you going to fight this?

I’m determined to fight, no questions. More so … these guys are desperate and they are damn bloody dirty in their method and operations. They don’t care about morality, they just want to stay in power.

We have to expose them, but never allow this (sodomy allegations) to be used to deflect from the central issues about governance and the economy.

Anwar given a bullet-proof vest
Malaysiakini Team | Jul 3, 08 4:22pm
De facto PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim today revealed that the threat on his life was serious enough for someone to give him a bullet-proof vest.


While he denied that he wore the bullet-proof vest at the 10,000-strong rally in Kampung Baru on April 14, Anwar said his wife, PKR president Wan Azizah Wan Ismail ticked him off for not taking such threats more seriously.

“Azizah is, of course, very annoyed with me. She said, ‘Please take precautions.’ I promise her, yes, I will do it probably at public functions when necessary,” he told Malaysiakini in a 30-minute interview this morning at the PKR headquarters.

He however pointed out that even a bullet-proof car failed to stop the assassination of Pakistan opposition leader Benazir Bhutto.

“I go through every single detail, it is the nature of the job, for example, … in minute detail even the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, you’ll be surprised – not as a journalist – just to see how they could do it. Look, she was in a bullet-proof vest, bullet-proof car. So…”

Anwar said that given his experience a decade ago when he was savagely beaten after he was arrested, there is legitimate fear that it could happen again.

anwar ibrahim interview 030708 04“I went through it, I know what it is. If you were to arrested today, for example, I’m not saying that nothing would happen, I wouldn’t know. To me, it almost impossible, it’s incredulous to imagine that…”

When asked what he thought of the assurance of his personal safety given by Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, this was what Anwar had to say.

“Well, the prime minister is a nice man, he says many things but I don’t know who will take him seriously. Look he says, “Well, we will give them protection.” I know Saiful has been given police protection 24 hours a day. Did you see any of them here? Not that I want police around me.”

Tell us what happened from the time you heard about the police report made by Saiful to the time you came out from the Turkish embassy.

Weeks before that I was alerted that the IGP (inspector-general of police Musa Hassan) was concocting something, and that was five days or six days before someone came to convey to me that this was serious. Well, this was conveyed to me and I thought how they would allow the issues of ’98 to resurface.

At that time, did you have any inkling that it could be something similar to the accusations…

Yes, yes. They said it was something to the effect. The information of this very senior (police officer) used the word zalim – the fact that it was cruel and unjust, that’s why it was conveyed to me.

The following morning I called my staff – the senior staff and also part-time volunteers including Saiful – they were all in. I said, “You guys better watch out. There is going to be problems ahead. This is coming from IGP’s office, the IGP personally.”

Interestingly enough, later one of my staff informed me that Saiful personally called Musa Hassan to inform him (that I spoke about problems ahead) about the meeting. Then I took it seriously, but it was a bit too late.

Saiful at that time was still working with you?

Yes, yes. It is really, as you say, a breach of security. The three main staff – Nik Nazmi (Nik Ahmad), Sim (Tze Tzin) and Nurul Izzah (Anwar) – left to contest in the elections. Rahimi (Osman) was holding the fort. And of course Syed Husin (Ali) in the office, Ibrahim (Yaacob) and Din Merican.

The first to go around to contact the states and divisions, that was Rahimi. Then he brought in Saiful at the last moment as a volunteer. Saiful approached me, although he was known to be in Biro Tatanegara (civic consciousness bureau) and an Umno outfit before that.

I didn’t know, he actually started off as a driver, bringing even (former Anwar political secretary) Nasharuddin (Jalil)’s son (Salman) who was killed in a (hit and run) road accident – that’s still questionable until now. The case is closed. I want to reopen the case – the circumstances of the ‘murder’ or the death is still very questionable.

So later on, Rahimi was using Saiful a bit more, there were two of them. Then I had Sim to come back and we had another person, Farhash (Wafa Salvador) who just came back from London but because of the transition – that was it.

But I didn’t know about his (Saiful’s) connection. Because there were so many emails from his old friends attacking him, I called him in, “What’s this?”. He said, “Sir, swear to God, it was my connection with Najib’s outfit when I was in Uniten (Universiti Tenaga Nasional) and then some of them became my personal friends”. I said, “Okay”. We actually take things a bit easy.

But anyway, that night I was in Quality (Hotel), I heard about it early enough I think it was a leak from the police not from the hospital. You see it could all be orchestrated by the police but always when you see Musa is consulted, he’ll say Bukit Aman does not want to get involved and they will not want to take the police report. This all shows the sign that the police are not part of it. It’s a deliberate design to say the police are not involved.

anwar ibrahim interview 030708 01Anyway, when we got the wind of it, it was almost Maghrib (7.30pm). Almost Maghrib time or before Maghrib time if I’m not mistaken. Very soon. Immediately after when he (Saiful) was on the way to the hospital.

So you suspected that Saiful had gone to the police station and the police brought him to the hospital.

Yes, that seems to be sequence now. But we have to get the correct defence in the event this moves forward. I don’t understand how they are going to do it – trying to establish what happened, what didn’t happen. How can they concoct (the alleged sodomy) with all this media scrutiny. Unlike in the past, there is certainly a little more (scrutiny).

So I sense now there is a deliberate attempt on the part of government leaders to say, “Well, just leave it to the police, it’s nothing political.” Our worry is also leaving it to the police.

Now today, I’m calling a press conference on something very revealing in the Altantuya case which shows the same pattern of the IGP and AG (attorney-general) either fabricating or concealing evidence. So you see the same pattern from 1998 to Altantuya case to my case and of course, of hundreds if not thousands of cases.

Even here in this case, the moment Najib’s name is mentioned – delete. In this case for Altantuya, I will show you clear evidence how evidence given to the police, all these things were deleted even in the 112 statement (sworn witness statements to the police).

We will leave that to the press conference.

Then I alerted the whole (party) leadership, Azizah and the whole family were here, the Quality Inn or Quality Hotel, then this Chong said, “You may have to leave” (for some place safe). I was very reluctant so I kept on ignoring it, talking about some other subjects.

Then they started, (Syed) Husin decided to convene a separate political bureau meeting to come out with a strong recommendation. I told Syed Husin, “Let me think about it. People may interpret it as running away or seeking political asylum.” Then of course, we started communicating with the relevant parties.

And Azizah said, “What will happen if they come in?”

So you were worried about the 1998 situation where you were arrested straight away.

Arrested is something else. I’m not as worried about being arrested as being assaulted, and you know, accident or food, poison – I don’t rule (them) out because we know what is at stake – you see, we come out with the whole transition (to new government), the numbers we are talking about, so some of them are just really against it, the fear.

Can you imagine the position of the IGP and AG – I know the bitterness, the worry, it’s there. Although I did convey, I did actually deliberately send out messages even to them – and say “Look, I’m here in this country, take care”. Many of them know me well. Don’t continue provoking us.

So I decided then the morning after prayers that I will go now.

Early in the morning?

Very early in the morning. The security guys have experience in this. I have said no right through until 6 o’clock, then I left. Very smart… [laughs]

So I left and went straight (to the Turkish embassy). The ambassador was there waiting. I went in. I had breakfast and then I went to sleep.

Did you sleep that night?

No, about half an hour, an hour, because they were all there coming back and forth – the legal team, the security, issues. Because I didn’t know what it was all about, in detail, where, and things like that.

At the embassy, the ambassador was called up by (Foreign Minister) Rais (Yatim) and given very strong assurance for my personal safety. There was (Home Minister Syed) Hamid (Albar)’s statement, (Deputy Prime Minister) Najib (Razak)’s statement, although Najib’s statement said ‘leave it to the police’, so it’s a bit tricky. Anyone who said leave it to Musa Hassan, I think there is a big question mark.

But then, that was it. The moment we’ve all the statements, making explicit about my personal security then I told the ambassador, I think I’d leave.

anwar ibrahim black eye photo 020708I don’t feel comfortable (staying in the embassy) because a lot of things you’re not able to do. Unless you decide to seek political asylum, that’s normal. If you don’t, you have to be with your people, you have to plan, listen to them, you have to start meeting people.

Were you convinced by party leaders to go to the embassy or was that your own decision?

Of course, I do take into consideration what Azizah and the family say. She is okay with the whole political situation. To deal with the malicious attacks, she is quite used to it. But to imagine another major assault on my personal safety, I saw her (face), it was very real.

She said, pleading, “Anwar, please, it is something beyond us.” The security situation is beyond us.

It is so serious that even people brought me in the last few months, a bullet-proof vest.

Where you wearing one on April 14 (the Kampung Baru rally)?

No. I was given one.

Have you actually worn one?

You know, not that I’m arrogant or impervious to this reality, I’m fully aware (of the situation). I go through every single detail, it is the nature of the job. Even the minute detail even the assassination of Benazir Bhutto, you’ll be surprised – not as a journalist – just to see how they could do it. Look she was in a bullet-proof vest, bullet-proof car.

But Azizah is, of course, very annoyed with me. She said, “Please take precautions.” I promise her, yes, I will do it probably at public functions when necessary.

How credible are these threats?

Unlike these normal cases of threats from individuals, but here I have some intelligence reports – police and military intelligence. It’s not new.

(Kulim MP) Zulkifli Nordin said you also have information from a neighbouring country’s intelligence.

Well, neighbouring countries do express concern even on issues of national security.

When did you first hear about a possible attempt on your life?

This has been going on for some time but I think it has increased in the last few months, particular just before and after the elections.

Why did you reveal it now at this stage with the accusations of sodomy? Why now? Why didn’t you reveal it during the elections?

anwar ibrahim shah alam stadium rally 020708 18I did. I made a lot, some references to that on my personal security. It has been picked up (by the media). But I didn’t want (to raise it) before the elections – all is political to them. Even the comment that “well, he will be safe”. Even the fact that the IGP, they just completely ignored (the threats) when it (the black eye incident) happened, they kept quiet including people like Shahrir (Abdul Samad), they just dismissed it (the threats).

I went through, I know what it is. If you were to arrest me now today, for example, I’m not saying that nothing would happen, I wouldn’t know. To me, it almost impossible, it’s incredulous to imagine that.

How do you see the prime minister’s assurances that you would not be ‘di zalimi’?

Well, the prime minister is a nice man, he says many things but I don’t know who will take him seriously. Look he says, “Well, we will give them protection.” I know Saiful has been given police protection 24 hours a day. Did you see any of them here? Not that I want police around me.

So you’re not asking for police protection?

No. “We will give protection to both of them.” What protection can you see? Nothing. I don’t know whether he is aware of what’s happening. And then he dismissed summarily the possibility of anybody involved. He has not even read our statement. He has not even read the SD (statutory statement).

I have at least a statement confirming the phone call between Saiful and Musa Hassan. Can you imagine to say there’s no arrangement when he (Saiful) was there in the (Najib’s) office? You just can’t dismiss it. At least investigate it.

Yesterday evening, a very senior policeman said that in all investigations, you also need to investigate the motive, the personality involved, who is he? His background, the motive. Nothing of that has happened.

Not that I want to (take issue with this). You see, normally I want to avoid talking about the issue. I will deal with it at the right time. If I do entertain this, then I’m trapped – their strategy is to deflect from other overall issues.

AccountAbility Highlights Malaysia’s Opportunity to Provide Global Leadership.

Posted in Anwar Ibrahim, International on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia’s%20Opportunity%20to%20Provide%20Global%20Leadership.pdf

Anwar Ibrahim’s challenge for political leadership offers Malaysia a unique opportunity to provide global leadership in effecting a peaceful transition to a mature democratic state.

AccountAbility’s Chief Executive, Simon Zadek: “We are seeing declines in almost every international indicator of good governance and citizens’ confidence in the democratic process. Malaysia has a unique opportunity to lead the way, in Asia and globally, in demonstrating how complex societies should manage their affairs”.

Anwar, in his role as AccountAbility’s Honorary President, has spoken out on numerous occasions on the crucial role of good governance and accountability and the vital importance of an independent judiciary in achieving a sustainable development pathway. Fighting corruption and securing the independent application of rule of law, he has highlighted, are the basic, entry-level conditions
to this pathway.

Anwar’s release from jail is welcome, but his overnight confinement is a worrying sign that Malaysia’s political process is in danger of collapse under the intense strain of what should be its finest, democratic moment since independence. The possibility exists that Malaysia will, to our collective costs, model the essentials of poor governance and its consequences.

AccountAbility asks that the Malaysian Government provide exemplary global leadership at this pivotal moment in the nation’s history – by advancing the principles and practice of good governance and accountability advocated by our Honorary President, Anwar Ibrahim and so many other global leaders.

AccountAbility (

AccountAbility is an international non-profit organisation, with bases in Beijing, Geneva, London, Sao Paulo and Washington, established in 1995 to ‘promote accountability innovations that advance sustainable development’.

AccountAbility’s work focuses on responsible business practices and the governance of collaborations between public and private institutions. This is exemplified by our ground-breaking standards work, including the world’s only assurance standard for sustainability peformance (AA1000AS), our annual Accountability Rating with Fortune magazine of the world’s largest companies, and our annual Responsible Competitiveness Index of progress of over 100 countries in building a responsible approach to international competitiveness and trade.

Anwar’s one day nightmare with the cops

Posted in Uncategorized on July 20, 2008 by suaramalaysia

He’s free! Only for jail, that is. But don’t know for how long.

Anwar Ibrahim takes the IGP to task for ”abuse of police power”. He accused the IGP for an “act of personal vengeance” against him in retaliation to the reports he had lodged earlier against the IGP (and AG), which are now being investigated by the ACA.

In the hospital yesterday:

“When I was brought to the hospital, I was stripped naked for tests and had my private parts examined. They also measured the necessary parts” – he told a packed press conference after his release on police bail. (Malaysiakini)

Below is a summary of his own account and brush with the police yesterday.

Saturday, July 12, 2008: Police serve a section 111 Criminal Procedure Code notice, harasses his family and demands Anwar to report at the IPK Kuala Lumpur (Federal Territories Police headquarters) at 2pm on Monday, July 14.

Sunday, July 13: Police serves ex-parte court order, prohibiting Anwar from physically being within 5km from the Parliament on July 14.

(But Anwar’s house and the IPK KL are within 5km radius from the Parliament building, which means Anwar was put under house arrest on Monday and at the same time prevented him from going to the IPK).

Monday, July 14: Police presence outside Anwar’s house. Family suspicions Anwar would be arrested.

(Which order should he compile with? The ex-parte court order or the Section 111 notice from the police?)
Monday, July 14: Investigating officer, DSP Jude Pereira wrote and faxed to Anwar’s lawyer at about 1.06pm, asking Anwar to report at the IPK KL on Wednesday, July 16 at 2pm to assist with the investigation.

Anwar arees to the appointment, police was told about it through Anwar’s lawyer Shankaran Nair.

Wednesday, July 16: Anwar was at the Anti-Corruption Agency (BPR) head office to record his statement about his police report against the IGP and AG on July 1.

Anwar cuts short his meeting with ACA in order to report to the police at 2pm.

Ambushed by masked men

At about 12.45pm, Anwar and DSP Jude Pereira confirms appointment at 2pm. Anwar plans to have quick lunch before going to the police.

Five minutes later, Anwar was ambushed by a team of masked and heavily-armed police personnel near his house.

He was arrested and brought to the IPK. Gave his cautioned statement from 2.30pm to about 7.30pm. Police did job professionally and Anwar was assured of release the same day.

Later, after returning from Kuala Lumpur General Hospital (HKL), Jude he was detained and put in the police lock-up overnight for the purpose of recording a further statement in the morning.

Anwar protested and demanded to be released on police bail. Promised to be back the next morning to give more statement.

“ I had to spend the night sleeping on a cold cement floor, which aggravated my back injury which was due to the beating I received from the then IGP, Tan Sri Rahim Nor on Sept 20, 1998″. – Anwar.

“This morning, after a short statement that was recorded for about 30 minutes, I was released on police bail. I was in pain and had to immediately receive some medical treatment upon my return home”.

CID chief tells blatant lie

Police has abused their power. Anwar condemned  statement of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) director, Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin who said police had to arrest him as may not turn up for police investigations.

Deputy Home Minister Wan Farid said, as reported in Star Online that,  Anwar “went voluntarily to the police car without any incident.” According to Anwar, this is also a blatant lie by the government.

Why I refused to give my DNA

He has no confidence in the system. In 1998,  DNA evidence was fabricated and used against Anwar. The persons responsible for the fabrication then were the IGP, SAC Rodwan and the AG, are new key players in this investigation.

Until now, Anwar has been denied access to the police report made by the Saiful Bukhairy against him.

“My accuser is still under police protection and as such, any fabrication is possible if they take my DNA. My decision to refuse a DNA test is taken through advice of my lawyers and DNA experts, both local and overseas” – Anwar.